1. Available size : 1 1/8″ to 2 1/4″
2. Mounting : Horizontal
3. Assembly : Standard, Upside Input
1. Available size : 1 1/8″ to 2 1/4″
2. Mounting : Horizontal
3. Assembly : Bothside Output
1. Available size : 1 1/8″ to 2 1/4″
2. Mounting : Vertical down
3. Assembly : Input Both side
1. Available size : 1 1/8″ to 2 1/4″
2. Mounting : vertical UP
3. Assembly : Input Hollow (0.5 HP 11 HP)
1. Available size : 1 1/8″ to 2 1/4″
2. Mounting : Vertical UP
3. Assembly : Hollow output with threaded screw